Pay your electricity bill with Kredim, take advantage of a first month's interest-free credit or benefit from term options up to 3 months with special interest rates for you!
Pay your electricity bill in time and in any way you wish, with instant credit limit setup, no debit or credit card required, the ability to defer your credit for up to one month interest free and other installment options.
Subscribe to the Kredim app now and enjoy reliable, fast and convenient payment options.
Download the Kredim app now for the App Store.
Download the Kredim app now for Google Play.

- All subscribers who wish to pay their Gediz Perakende invoice can benefit from this campaign. Participation in the campaign requires becoming a Kredim member with a Turkish republic ID number and paying the invoice from the relevant Kredim account.
- Customers who want to benefit from the campaign can pay their bills by downloading the My Credit application on their cell phones from the app stores or by creating their virtual cards at and paying their bills using the Quick Transactions menu on the website
- Customers are required to handle all processes digitally to benefit from the campaign.
- Customers need to create a limit using the scoring created specifically for them on or Kredim mobile app.
- Customers who wish to benefit from the campaign must have an invoice amount of 30 TL or more.
- Our customers can pay their electricity bills with interest-free loans in the first month or with special interest rates and installment options up to 3 months. Invoices can be deferred for one month without interest or paid back for up to 3 months at special interest rates.
- Repayments of the loan can be made at or through the Kredim mobile application.
- Our cooperation aims to provide ease of payment to our subscribers, and your regular payment obligation for electricity still stands.
Why should I participate in this campaign?
- Customers who do not use credit cards or have an insufficient limit and do not want their credit card limit to be affected can pay their electricity on the due day without having to go to a bank.
What is the scope of the campaign and what are the application requirements?
- Customers with invoice debts to Gediz Perakende across only residences can benefit from this campaign.
How can I benefit from the campaign?
- Customers who want to benefit from the campaign can first download the Kredim app in the app stores or log in to the system with their Turkish ID number at and create their virtual cards. Customers who create virtual cards can create their credit limits using the "Smart Scoring Method". Customers with a virtual card who complete the credit limit setting steps can easily pay their bills through the Quick Transactions menu on the Gediz Perakende’s website.
Will my credit limit be set immediately as part of the campaign?
- Kredim is a digital credit disbursement platform that works on the principle of “buy now, pay later”. Under the campaign, our customers can set up their credit limit in just a few minutes.
Can I benefit from the campaign only through digital channels?
- Customers can set up their credit limits, pay bills and repay loans via the website and mobile app - without any paperwork.
How are the credit limits created through the campaign repaid?
- Customers can repay the credit they create at the end of the term using the Kredim app or following the steps specified in the Repayment field on the web site
Can I apply for the campaign from all cities?
- The campaign is for Gediz Perakende subscribers throughout Turkey. It is valid for bill payments from all over Turkey.