Energy Terms Glossary
You can read the terms more easily with the glossary we created for the descriptions and use areas of energy terms, as well as the calculation methods.
Active Energy
It is the electrical energy obtained by multiplying active power by time. Measurement unit is kWh.
Intermediary Bank
It is the bank used by market participants to carry out advance and bill payment processes.
Advance Payment
It is the payment made upon the advance payment notice sent without issuing a bill for the electrical energy traded the previous day within the scope of the day-ahead balancing and intra-day market.
Connection Point
It is the field or the contact point through which market participants and/or eligible consumers connect to the transmission or distribution system as per their connection agreements.
Selling Price per Unit
It is the selling unit price that the customer will pay for 1 kWh electrical energy provided by their supplier, excluding taxes, funds, expenses, etc.
Block Purchase Proposal
It is the active electrical energy purchase proposal made by market participants who participate in the day-ahead market, which applies to several consecutive hours of the next day and contains the average price and amount details for the time period it covers.
Block Sales Proposal
It is the active electrical energy sales proposal made by market participants who participate in the day-ahead market, which applies to several consecutive hours of the next day and contains the average price and amount details for the time period it covers.
Regional Load Dispatch Center
Distribution Area
It is the area defined in a distribution license.
Legal Entity Holding a Distribution License
It refers to the distribution license holder Organized Industrial Zone legal entities and distribution license holder companies established as per the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code No. 6762 dated 29/6/1956.
Distribution System Technical Loss
It is the technical energy loss on the distribution system, applied according to the provisions of the decision by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) with regard to coefficients of loss.
Distribution System Technical Loss
It refers to the electricity distribution facilities and the grid operated by a distribution company in the distribution area indicated on its license.
Distribution Company (EDAŞ)
It is the legal entity that distributes electricity in a designated area.
It is the process of transmitting electrical energy through lines with voltage levels at or below 36 kV.
Valuation Ratio
It is the coefficient to be used in determining the TRY equivalent of non-cash guarantees requested from market participants. Energy Glossary