Opening a Business Electricity Subscription
Following the steps below, you can quickly apply for a new electricity subscription for your business. You can view the documents required to conclude a household electricity contract and find out where you can submit your application.
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Application Documents
Below are the required documents based on your subscription type.

- Installation Number / Meter Barcode Number / An old bill of the location for subscription
- Original Copy of the Identity Card (to be checked for identity authentication only and then to be returned to the customer.)
- Full Name / Title of the Property Owner (If natural person, Turkish Identity Number; if entity, Tax Identification Number must also be submitted.)
- Tax Registration Certificate (Tax no. tax office, business title)
- Trade registry no. and the name of the trade registry office
- If the natural person / legal entity that will complete the procedure is different, a Power of Attorney / Signatory Circular / Certificate of Inheritance depending on the situation
- A document proving the right of use for the new tenant (Both the original copy and a photocopy of the Rental Contract or Deed must be submitted.)
A currently valid DASK (Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool) Policy Number (required for Commercial Buildings / Business Centers / Administrative Services / Educational Centers, etc.; a DASK policy is not compulsory for buildings which are wholly used for commercial and industrial purposes.)

- Letter of application
- Installation number (if it is the first subscription, work completion document is required.)
- Turkish identity number of the authorized person
- Signatory circular
- Industrial registry certificate
- Additional documents based on subscription sub-groups
- Treatment Facilities: Document from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
- Opening license activity certificate

- Installation Number / Meter Barcode Number / An old bill of the location for subscription
- Identity Card instead of original identity card (that of the official in charge for legal persons / Original Identity Card (checked and returned only for identity verification)
- Original copy of the permit or license for water usage ( if the water is obtained from underground resources or taken from aboveground resources, a document for using underground water or a water usage permit from the office of State Hydraulic Works)
- A document issued by Provincial Directorates of Agriculture proving that irrigation is for agricultural purposes
- For subscriptions in the name of unions and cooperatives, documents relating to the establishment and management of the union
- In addition to these, if the applicant is a legal entity, a certificate of authorization from the board of directors of the company or a notarized power of attorney and signatory circular, as well as corporate seal
- A document to show that they work in one of the areas of activity listed in the relevant article of the Law (In the Procedures and Principles for Tariff Practices of Contracted Retail Sales Companies and Legal Entities That Hold a Distribution License, “Article 5 -“(3) This subscription group includes milk collection centers, cattle breeding businesses, cattle milk businesses, sheep and goat businesses, broiler chicken coop, layer hen coop, breeding coop, commercial turkey coop, commercial goose coop, commercial quail coop, commercial duck coop, aquafarming businesses, hatchery businesses and greenhouses, which operate in compliance with the document obtained from relevant departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.)
Frequently Asked Questions
Deposit amount, cut-off/connection fee and stamp duty are charged for all contract applications.
Duly signed contracts will be registered within the same day and the distribution company will be informed. The electricity will be supplied by the distribution company within 24 hours for housing settlement areas and within 48 hours outside housing settlement areas, starting from the date of notification or the date on which the obligation towards the distribution company is fulfilled.
As per Article 48 of the Regulation on Electricity Market Consumer Services, electricity subscription contracts must be in the name of the actual user.
An open-ended (definitive) letter of guarantee, available from banks, can be used as a security deposit.