Communication Activities

Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees

 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees

Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees

The music band formed by our employees cheered up the children under treatment at İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Education and Research Hospital for Pediatric Diseases and Surgery.

The songs played by the band for the children under treatment at İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Education and Research Hospital for Pediatric Diseases and Surgery put a big smile on the children’s faces, providing moral support for them and their families.

Comprised of Gürkan Baskın, Finance and Budget Director; Ali Çalt, Corporate Communications Assistant Specialist and Ozan Arslan, Case Follow-up Officer at the Department of Legal Consultancy, the band recently performed for the children who are receiving treatment at İzmir Dr. Behçet Uz Education and Research Hospital for Pediatric Diseases and Surgery. Our employees, who are amateur musicians, gave the children and their families a good time with children’s songs and energetic folk songs.

Gürkan Baskın, a member of the band and Finance and Budget Director at Gediz stated: “Once a week, we get together after work to spend time making music as we enjoy it a lot. We wanted to share this joy with children, and that’s how this journey began. The hospital’s Chief Physician Assoc. Prof. Tanju Çelik, and Assistant Chief Physician Dr. Birsen Tuğlu welcomed us warmly. And thanks to this amazing collaboration, we got the chance to make the children and their families happy.”

At the event, we handed out the books Karaca ve Sihirli Orman and Karaca ve Yürüyen Köşk, as well as Aydem Coloring Book and crayons. The gifts for the children receiving treatment in the oncology and burn units were delivered to them by the healthcare providers at the hospital.

29.12.2017 07:54


 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees
 Exemplary Behavior by Our Employees

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